Thursday, May 28, 2015

Saijan - The anti-aging nutritious miracle pod

'Saijan' is the hindi name for a seedpod of a particular tree that is considered a vegetable, and is widely eaten in India as well as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and many other countries. The roots, leaves and flowers of the tree are also eaten and provides a vast amount of nutrients and health benefits. The tree most popularly known as the 'Drumstick Tree' is called my many other names. The botanical name of the tree is "Moringa Oleifera" and is also refered to as the 'Miracle Tree' and 'Tree of Life.'

A number of recipes I have seen mention that most people simply slice the pods into three or four inches in length, and after they are cooked, eat them by sucking out the tender pith and then discarding the fibrous skin.

In Indian cookery, the pods are pickled, used in soups (especially varieties of Rasam) and also in many curried dishes, both dry, and more heavily sauced ones.

The interior of the pod contains a whitish pulp with little seeds and the outer skin is very thick, fibrous and inedible. I used a sharp knife and cut each pod into three inches in length and peeled each one. I prefer to peel the larger pods because you get more pulp and it saves you time, unlike the thinner ones you get less, which means you have to peel more until you get sufficient.

The 'Miracle Tree' enriched with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and is highly recommended for its health benefits, to me, might just be another wonder of the world.

Moringa Oleifera was featured by Dr. Oz on one of his successful afternoon talk show. He referred to it as an energy blaster, and he’s right! People who have taken Moringa Oleifera report that they’ve seen a boost in their energy levels and feel better than ever! you’ll feel an increase in your energy levels, but you won’t feel that lull or ‘down’ feeling after it wears off.

What are the health benefits of Moringa?

Scientific research confirms that the humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain: seven times the vitamin C in oranges, four times the Calcium in milk, four times the vitamin A in carrots, two times the protein in milk and three times the Potassium in bananas.

There are many benefits of the Moringa tree, but the health benefits are the most important. Research has shown that various parts of the Moringa tree can be effective in a significant number of health concerns:

1. Moringa is rich in Vitamin A. It contains four times more Vitamin A or beta-carotene than carrots. Hence, it is a weapon against blindness.

2. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C many times more than oranges.

3. Normally milk is said to be a rich source of calcium but the amount of calcium present in Moringa leaves is way higher than in milk.

4. The Moringa leaves are said to contain two times the protein present in milk.

5. Bananas are a rich source of potassium. But Moringa leaves contain several times more potassium than bananas.

6. Along with potassium, zinc is also found in large quantities in Moringa.

7. If Moringa leaves were to be eaten by one and all, the world will be free of anemia as it contains three times more iron than spinach.

8. With all the junk food eaten these days, many people face problems of high cholesterol. Moringa helps in balancing the cholesterol levels in the body.

9. Essential Amino acids are also found in Moringa.

10. Moringa is also said to balance sugar levels, hence it is helpful in the fight against diabetes.

11. The body’s natural defense mechanism increases with the consumption of Moringa in the daily diet pattern. Since it is an immunity-stimulant, it is prescribed for Aids afflicted patients.

12. Moringa leaves can be consumed to stimulate metabolism.

13. It is also said to have digestive powers.

14. It is a nutrition booster and is known to promote a feeling of well-being in people.

15. If you are looking for non-sugar based energy, then Moringa leaves is the answer. Thus, it will also help in the weight loss process.

16. The cell structure of the body is stimulated by the Moringa leaves.

17. It is especially useful for lactating mothers. The consumption of Moringa has shown dramatic increase in the quantity of breast milk.

18. It is also famous for its anti-bacterial properties.

19. The paste of the Moringa leaves is said to beautify the skin and is hence applied by women regularly.

20. Moringa leaves finely milled raw, can remove the black stains/spots on facial skin.

21. It protects the liver and kidneys.

22. It can also be used as a water purifier.

What are the vitamins and minerals present in Moringa?


Vitamin A (Alpha and Beta Carotene), B,B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folate (Folic Acid), Biotin and much more.


Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molydenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur, Zinc.


Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine.


Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Cytokins, Flavonoids, Omega 3,6 9 oils, Plant Sterols, Polyphenols, Lutein, Xanthins, Rutin and many more.

The anti-aging Antioxidants in Moringa

Moringa leafs have over 40 antioxidants making them one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body fight the effects of free radicals (toxins from drinking alcohol and smoking). Within the group of antioxidants in Moringa you will find: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, vitamin E, Vitamin k, Arginine, Beta-Carotene, Beta-Sitoserol, Caffeoyliquinic Acid, Campesterol, Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Delta-5-Avenasterol, Delta-7-Avenasterol, Glutathione, Histamine, IndolAceitic Acid, Indole Acetic Acid, Isothiocyanates,Kaempherol, Leucine,Lutein, Methionine, Myristic acid, Plamitic Acid, Prolaminic Acid, Prolamine Protein, Proline, Queracetine, Rutin, Selenium, Threonine, Triptofanine, Triptofano, Xanthine, Xantophyll,  Zeatin, Zeaxatina, and Zinc.

Zeatin is a super powerful antioxidant that is in high demand because one of its primary purposes us to slow down the aging process. Zeatin specializes in defending cells from the effects that free radicals and daily stress have on our bodies. Zeatin directly slows down the aging process by speeding up the replacement of dead cells and strengthening healthy cell regeneration.

The study made in 2004 by Seneteck PLC confirmed that Zeatin doesn’t affect the genetic component of the cell, promotes cell maintenance (key factor in slowing down aging), and avoids the accumulation of macromolecules in cells. In addition, it is understood that Zeatin heightens the ability of other antioxidants to fight free radicals. Moringa Leafs have several thousand times more Zeatin than any other vegetable source.

Antioxidant Synergy

In nature we find thousands of compounds considered to be antioxidants, however most are isolated and small concentration. Scientists agree that antioxidants work better when they are combined with other antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. This is because the build up of antioxidants creates a synergy that surpasses the effects that taking the antioxidants separately.  This makes Moringa one of the most powerfulsources of antioxidants on earth.

Curry Saijan recipe


6-8 saijans (drumsticks)
2 medium potatoes
1 medium onion, chopped
5 cloves garlic, grated or minced
2 tsps green seasoning
3 tsps curry powder
1/4 tsp saffron powder
1/4 tsp ground geera (cumin)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 hot pepper, (habanero or scotch bonnet) sliced
3 tbsps cooking oil
1 tsp salt


Cut saijan pods into three inches in length, peel and wash.

Peel and cut potatoes and wash.

In a cup, mix curry, saffron and geera with just enough water to form a paste.

Hot oil in a pot. Saute onion, garlic and hot pepper for 2 minutes. Add curry paste and stir constantly until it froths and is golden brown.

Add saijan, potatoes, green seasoning, salt and black pepper and stir well to fry and mix.

Add 3/4 cup water and stir. Cover and let let simmer over medium heat for about 45 minutes or until tender. Stir occasionally and add just enough water to avoid sticking. When tender and the sauce is thick, adjust salt to taste.

Serve with sada roti or rice.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Penny stars on Wall Street Journal

Trinidad and Tobago Carnival has a spot in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal. The American international daily newspaper featured photographs taken by Reuter’s News Agency during Parade of the Bands on Carnival Tuesday. The photographs were part of an album which focussed specifically on the affairs of this country.

Two of the country’s most well known faces made the cut: Miss Universe 1977 Janelle Penny Commissiong who paraded with K2K Alliance and Miss Universe 1998 Wendy Fitzwilliam in her Harts Carnival costume. Also featured was American actress Tatyana Ali who was in Trinidad for this year’s Carnival celebration.

Several bands were featured including D Word and Associates as well as Band of the Year winner for the seventh year in a row, Brian Mac Farlane. One half of the sisterly duo behind K2K Alliance, Karen Norman, said the band was very humbled and felt honoured first of all to work with the former Miss Universe. “It is a great acheivement for us to have Janelle wear our costume. She is a beautiful woman to work with,” she said during a telephone interview. She and her sister, Kathy, also felt honoured to be featured in the Wall Street Journal selection of photographs for Trinidad Carnival 2013. “Any international exposure, not only for the band, but for Trinidad and Tobago is a great reward. We could not ask for anything greater,” she said. This is the band’s second year on the road for Carnival and Norman advised persons to expect the unexpected from the band for Carnivals to come.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Managing your money as a family

Wouldn’t it be great to win the lottery or inherit a fortune and suddenly have enough money to pay off all your debts and enjoy being rich for the rest of your life! If we are realistic, it is not likely to happen.

And even if the dream came true, you would probably find that having a lot of money does not end financial concerns. Even millionaires need to know how to manage money.

Money management skills and good practices are needed no matter how much or how little one has. Financial planning is important. While it’s hard to think about planning for the future when pay day is a week away and your wallet and checkbook are empty, you can learn to manage dollars carefully.

What’s important to you?

Why do you spend your money the way you do? If ten people were given a $100 bill, they would most likely spend it in entirely different ways. Why? Because different people value different things. The deep-rooted beliefs you have about what is desirable and good are known as values. Values grow from personal experiences. You make choices based on your values. Values are not necessarily right or wrong; they express what is important to you.

Families set goals based on their values. A major reason why many couples argue about money involves differing values and conflicting goals between partners.

Don’t clash over cash

When asked how much money is enough, a wealthy individual replied, “Just a little bit more.”

Most families find there is never enough money so, sooner or later, they squabble about how to spend the limited dollars. Meshing different styles of handling money doesn’t just happen because people love each other. It takes effective communication, time, and effort.

If your money discussions escalate to shouting matches or tearful sessions, changes are needed. Realise each of you will have different attitudes and values. To one, money may represent power. To another, it may mean security or status. One may be a spender, another a saver. The concern is not that you always agree about money, but how you disagree and that you come to a suitable compromise.

— What is an argument worth? Save arguments for important issues and major expenditures. Decide amounts each person can spend without reporting to anyone. It might be $5, $10, $25 — whatever fits your budget. These regular allowances provide a sense of spending freedom and eliminate discussions over personal items and incidentals.

— A time and a Place. Talking about money “later” or promising to discuss it “some other time” may never happen. Schedule regular meetings to discuss financial matters. This keeps you and your co-spender informed and can prevent minor concerns from becoming major problems.

The particular time you decide to meet will depend on family schedules. Try to avoid meeting between 5 and 7 pm when people are usually tired and hungry. Meeting just before payday or when bills are due is often a good choice.

For your meeting, choose a place with minimum distractions. Do not let the television, radio, and phone interfere with your communications.

Include all family members when appropriate. Children can learn from this process. Allow everyone a chance to express feelings, wants, and needs without interruption or criticism. Family members are more likely to support a decision if they are included in the decision.

— Listening habits. Effective communication requires good listening. What kind of listener are you? During a disagreement, do you find yourself planning your defence? Does your mind wander? Do you stop listening if a subject is hard to understand?

Listen for key points. Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Be careful not to criticise, argue, or give feedback that keeps someone from expressing feelings.

Solving money problems

If a problem is worth arguing about, it is worth solving. Combine good communication skills with the following steps:

— Acknowledge that there is a problem. Get feelings out in the open.

— Identify the real problem. Money issues are often emotionally charged. Organised, written records give objective information rather than guesses. Be sure the issue is really money.

— Discuss only the identified problem. Keep personalities, past complaints, or other problems out of it.

— Brainstorm alternatives. List all possible actions/solutions no matter how ridiculous. No one should comment on suggestions until the list is complete.

— Discuss each alternative and agree on a possible solution. Write it down. A compromise may be the best solution. Everyone should feel their wishes were considered.

— Make every effort to support the solution. Identify and avoid obstacles. Recognise necessary sacrifices. Perfect solutions are rare.

— Keep communications open while working out the solution. Each person needs to feel understood, appreciated, and loved.

What do you want to do with your money?

To manage money, it is necessary to take a look into the future, see where you want to be, so you can plan how to get there. Families set their financial goals based on their values. One family’s goal list will be different from another family. For example, family goals can include owning their own home, paying off all debts, higher education for the children, taking a family vacation, or setting up an emergency fund.

• Think about your goals. Financial goals are the specific things you want to do with your money within a certain period of time. Goals give you purpose for the way you will spend your money today and tomorrow. Goals give targets for different periods in the future.

— Short-term goals can be done soon. Perhaps in a week, or a few months, but no longer than a year. Examples: Buy new clothes, save for a vacation.

— Intermediate Term Goals can be accomplished in one to five years. Examples: Buy a new car, pay off debts.

— Long-term goals look ahead five to ten years and longer. Examples: Buy a house, put children through college, retire.

To increase your success, follow these principles:

— Set realistic goals. Ones that are set too high may frustrate you and cause you to give up your plans. Maybe it is impossible to save $100 a month right now, try for $25. If a new car is beyond your means, would a used model meet your needs?

— Be specific. State your objectives in detail. If goals are vague, they may never be achieved, and others in your family may have different ideas of what the goals really are. An example is: “If we save $100 a month for the next 12 months, we would have $1,200 for the emergency fund.”

— Be flexible. Plans may require adjustments as your income and life cycle change. Don’t be so rigid that you have to start over with an entirely new plan. For example: An unexpected expense comes up. You can’t save the entire $100 this month. Don’t let that get you off track. Continue to set aside something towards your goal, no matter how little it might be.

More thoughts on goals

You and your family probably have some ideas about the things you want in the future. An advantage of setting goals is that you have something to work towards. People can get so caught up in day-to-day problems they end up accomplishing very little towards intermediate and long term goals. A lack of financial planning can mean problems sometime in the future.

A goal may require resources other than money to achieve. Your resources include: time, talents, and abilities. In order to achieve some goals you may decide you need to earn more money; and in order to do that you may need more training or education which requires time and talents, as well as expense.

Setting your family goals

How many goals will you list? It just depends on your family’s needs, wants, and desires.

Take time to write down your goals so you can see what is really important to you and your family and what you want for your future. One example of an important goal in all households is the emergency fund.

A specific amount should be set aside each month. It is important to identify the obstacles and involve the entire household in the commitment to the goal.

Obstacles to overcome:

other demands for current expenses other goals and priorities current spending habits limited amount of money coming in each month an emergency fund has not been a priority before defining what is an emergency.

In order to further contribute to your emergency fund, you can:

Save all loose change for the emergency fund.

Use coupons and put savings into emergency fund.

Pack lunch at least twice each week and put savings in fund.

Put half of all cash gifts received into fund.

Take time to seriously think about and discuss what you want for the future. On a separate paper list the goals important to you and your family.

Listing goals is usually not hard. The more difficult task is to rank your goals. Identify your highest priority goal and label it “1.” Place a 2 on the second highest and continue until you rank each goal on your list.

What can I do about my aging skin

Every day, most of us usually look in the mirror at our reflection. Then one day you see something you have never seen before and it looks so ugly — a wrinkle on your forehead. It’s at this point that you realise you are getting older and it’s starting to show.  Most people, especially women, are obsessed with aging; they think that it is the worst thing that could happen to the human race.  Sadly, we can’t stop it, but we can slow the process down from the inside out. 

There are many things that contribute to the aging process — smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, lack of exercise, insufficient water, stress, excessive worrying, exposure to the free radicals in the atmosphere, sun, insufficient sleep and a poor facial cleansing routine.  What can you do about it though?  There are, in fact, many things you can do.

Let’s look at your facial cleansing routine first.  If you are 35 years and over, you need to use a cleanser, toner and moisturiser that is rich in Alpha  hydroxy acids, Vitamin C, green tea, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic  acid and collagen. If you are 50 years and over, you need a cleanser, toner and moisturiser that is rich in collagen, elastin, alpha hydroxy acids, allantoin, grape  seed, placenta, vitamin C, aloe vera, DNA, vitamin K,  hyaluronic  acid, algae CoQ-10, DAME, alpha- lipoic  acid and peptides. Your cleanser should be crème based so it will keep your skin soft and moist while cleansing.

Persons who have age spots that eventually spread all over their cheeks, will have to use a facial cleansing line that will lighten the age spots. You have to use extreme caution when buying products for treatment because not all of them will work for everybody, so looking at the ingredients in the product is important in this case. The ingredients you should look for are mulberry extract, kojic acid, vitamin C, AHA, licorice and glycolic acid.

Using an eye crème is also extremely important. Most people wait until there are visible signs of wrinkles all around their eyes before they start using one. At this point, however, it is a bit challenging because you will have to do several facial eye treatments to make the lines less visible or, in some cases, Botox or Collagen filler injections would be much more effective, but will only last six months. So the best thing you can do to prevent it, is to use a proper eye crème and serum every day at bed time.  The ingredients you should look for are matrixyl, argireline, collagen, elastin, peptides and vitamin C.

Drinking lots of water on a daily basis also helps tremendously with fine lines and wrinkles. If you think about a plant, when a leaf becomes dry it eventually breaks and falls off.  It’s is the same with your skin. When your skin becomes extremely dry it breaks and forms a wrinkle, especially in areas of your face that are frequently used, for example your forehead if you frown a lot, around your mouth and around your eyes if you squint and laugh a lot.

Using a daily moisturiser, night crème and serum is extremely important especially if you are over 50. To prevent turkey neck, you have to start using a proper neck crème as soon as you turn 30 and use it day and night. Many persons don’t believe in using a night crème, but using one helps the cells repair themselves at night. In other words, whatever damage was done to your skin during the day, the cell will repair the damage, so giving them something to make their job less stressful will help your skin tremendously.

This is why sufficient sleep is extremely important.  The cells need that resting time to work properly.  When you don’t get sufficient sleep at night, it will result in a tired, sagged and dull looking skin the next morning looking ten years older.  Some of you would be able to relate to this, especially after liming, drinking and smoking the night before.  If you want to have beautiful skin and age gracefully, your lifestyle, eating habits and facial cleansing routine has to change and if you want to look younger you may as well start now.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fashion gets ‘earth friendly’

By Sharon Wilson

You can always look to Europe and America to find the latest looks and the latest trends in fashion. But one new trend that's sweeping the industry isn’t only coming from America or Europe. Designers from across the world are turning out some great, “earth friendly” clothes with a lot of style.
Long ago, the idea of environment-conscious fashion design conjured up images of hemp sack dresses in drab colours or shoes made from jute. There weren’t many style options and those available were costly. Today, many designers, from tops in their field like Linda Loudermilk to rock starts like Bono of U2 doing their part to create clothes that are hip, stylish and eco‑friendly. There's even a great site which I personally love called Green Loop, where you find it all in one place.

Eco‑fashion usually encompasses clothes made from raw, organic materials such as cotton grown without pesticides, reused cloth, or materials made from recycled items such as plastic bottles.  Designers like to experiment with fibres made from bamboo and other exotic plants.  Rarely, if at all, do they use chemicals or bleach in their fabrics, and the best part is most clothing is made using labour that has been paid by a fair trade wage.

When I started to research for this article I was sure I'd find a good few places, some I know already, but to my surprise there are a slew of fashionable sites online for the eco‑conscience consumer. This was encouraging considering the fashion world is often perceived as being superficial. Even the TV‑reality show Project Runway recently featured a recycled fashion episode.

The contestants were led to a waste disposal site and had 30 minutes to gather whatever they thought that will make a good dress. Once they returned to their work stations they were given one day to construct a dress from "garbage." I must admit some of the ideas they came up with were fantastic.

If you are interested in searching some sites to see what is out there, here is a list to get you started:
* Stewart & Brown
* Ecoist (these are really cute bags)
* Cool not Cruel
* Anna Cohen
There is also a blog devoted to eco‑friendly fabrics called Organic Clothing and for those who like vintage fashion, that is the ultimate in re‑using and recycling. What's old is new again.. so "Happy Shopping."

Sharon Wilson is the manager/founder of Earth Scents handmade soaps and candles. Please send comments queries to

Monday, April 25, 2011

Makeup companies need a makeover

By Sharon Wilson

I grew with the kind of mother who wouldn’t leave the house without her “face on”! When you take the literal meaning of this it sounds really funny but actually what my mother meant is not without her makeup. It didn’t matter if it was simply to walk to the grocery, my mother was in full camouflage. She once told me after a visit to the doctor, he remarked she would never get wrinkles as she aged because her face was so well protected from the sun with her heavy foundation. So my sisters followed in my mother’s footsteps and were never seen without their war paint, as I called it.

This lasted for awhile and then their skin started reacting badly to some of the cosmetics they were using. I had learned early that I had either some of the most sensitive eyes in the world or the chemicals in some of the products were simply too irritating for my skin.

As I picked up compacts of powders, blush, mascara, lipsticks and bottles of foundations from the pharmacy shelves, I began to wonder what is really in these tubes with the indecipherable ingredients lists. I am pretty good at reading food labels, but I found I might need a degree in chemical engineering to translate cosmetic labels, which of course begs the question why am I putting this stuff on my face and lips?

I didn’t realise how much blind faith we put into the cosmetic industry, assuming what they are selling us is safe. I thought I could breathe a small sigh of relief when I remembered that we have the FDA watching our backs. But alas, I came to find out cosmetics don’t fall under FDA jurisdiction, hence the explosion of “cosmeceuticals.” There is the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C), which allows the FDA to classify cosmetics without actually regulating them.

The makeup industry is a multi-billion dollar one, and we are all familiar with the names of the leaders: L’Oreal, Revlon, Elizabeth Arden and Estee Lauder who in turn owns Clinique, Prescriptives, Origins, MAC, Bobbie Brown and Aveda.

Makeup is now on the radar and is coming under some intense scrutiny; with everyone going “green”. Makeup lines are starting to feel the pressure. Sales of plant based makeup are starting to eat away at the profits of the chemical laden ones and believe me those CEOs are starting to take notice.

What was once a fad in the ’70’s has now become a trend. Look at the phenomenal success of Bare Escentuals mineral makeup. Major cosmetic companies are now following their lead. I know so many women who swear by this line. Even my friends who are Estee Lauder loyalists have switched over!

So what’s a consumer sans a chemistry background to do?  Look for products with simpler labeling. Do not be scared into running out and grabbing the first bottle you see labeled “Natural” as many so-called natural products have few plant based ingredients that are partnered with synthetic preservatives and dyes...So please make sure and check the box explaining the ingredients and it purpose.

Remember the skin is an organ too, and what we put in our bodies is just as important as what we put in them. A recent report found women who are using makeup on a daily basis are absorbing five pounds of chemicals a year (Telegraphic and we are using as many as 20 different beauty products a day without knowing the effects and how they interact with each other.

Now I doubt even knowing all this women are going to put down the lipstick and step away from the bronzer – I openly admit I haven’t, but what I have done is purchased my makeup from companies known for using pure ingredients such as Aubrey Organics and Dr Hauschka.

Like they say beauty is only skin deep.

Sharon Wilson is the manager/founder of Earth Scents handmade soaps and candles. Please send comments queries to

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meltproof makeup ideas for hot weather

“Women don’t sweat, they glisten,” the saying goes. Yeah, right. To keep your makeup from melting into your mojito when out in the sun, get into these 11 easy tricks from the pros.

1. Take Time to Prime.
The key to long-lasting foundation and colour is the most commonly skipped step: primer. Seriously — the stuff works. All you need is a pea-size dot of a lightweight, oil-free formula; apply it to moisturised skin before your concealer and foundation. We like L’Oréal Paris Studio Secrets Professional Primers (they have three oil-free formulas for different skin types).

2. Be Dense.
Blemishes and blotchy skin don’t vanish in the hot weather, but the wrong concealer definitely can. What you want is a densely pigmented (but not liquidy) cream formula. Use your ring finger to dab the concealer on dark circles; apply to red spots with a small brush, and then pat with your finger to blend the cover-up into the skin.

3. Switch to Silicone.
Wear a full face of foundation and you’re asking for trouble. Still, we get it — sometimes you want the coverage. The solution? A lightweight silicone-based formula. The silicone acts as a film between your skin and the humidity, preventing foundation from seeping into your pores or dribbling down your chin.

4. Lighten Up.
Think of foundation this way: The less you put on, the less there is to slide off. A dampened makeup sponge is the ideal tool for applying it so that it goes on light and sheer. Put a few drops on a damp foam-latex sponge, and swipe it from the middle of your face outward in short strokes. Give it a minute or so to set before you apply other makeup.

5. Choose Creamy Shadows.
When sweat and powders mix, the result isn’t pretty. Sheer cream shadows tend to cake less in hot weather (plus, they glisten in the sun). Some eye colours contain silicone that locks the colour in place.

6. Look to Liquid.
Liquid liner may take patience and practice, but once on, a good formula won’t budge or smudge in the heat like a kohl pencil can.

7. Sweatproof Your Lashes.
Waterproof mascara is a no-brainer in the heat. It can withstand the office, the gym, the pool, and the bar without smudging. But some can fade to gray in a few hours.

8. Flush With Greatness.
As with powder shadow, powder blush and perspiration don’t mix. Instead, rub a bright pink or coral cream or gel blush on the apples of your cheeks, and blend.

9. Tint Your Lips.
Lip gloss just looks right come summer: It’s fun. It’s easy.... But it can also get runny and sticky in the sun. A tinted lip balm with a high wax content won’t turn to mush in your bag or on your mouth. We like Aveda Lip Tints SPF 15.

10. Stop Shine.
To reduce shine and set your makeup, take a large fluffy brush and dust a translucent loose powder across your T-zone. Because it’s colourless, there’s less of a chance it will cause problems in the heat, but use a light hand to be sure.

11. Blot It Out.
Instead of re-powdering throughout the day — extra layers can cause cakey product build-up in warm weather — keep plasticky oil-blotting sheets at your desk and in your purse. Dabbed over your face, they soak up excess oil without messing up your makeup. We love Clean and Clear Oil-Absorbing Sheets.